One might wonder if a normally constituted French person would be able to understand a sentence repeated five times with the same sound. In the case of this sentence, there are four different words that are pronounced the same way.
I will demonstrate that a French person is quite capable of perfectly understanding this sentence.
The sentence in question contains four homophones: the first « ver », which refers to a small soft-bodied animal; the « vert », for the color; the « vers », which indicates a direction; and finally, the « verre », used for drinking.
Let’s start with the first « ver ». Why would it be obvious in this sentence that we are talking about a « ver » and not a « verre » to drink? The indication comes from the verb "va", which implies movement. Indeed, a « verre » cannot move by itself.
For the following « vert », it is clear that it refers to the color. In French, the adjective generally comes after the noun. The only adjective that exists with this pronunciation is « vert », which also refers back to the color of the glass at the end of the sentence.
Next, the « vers » can be understood thanks to its position in the sentence. It is located just after the verb, and the use of the verb "aller" reinforces the idea of direction.
Finally, regarding the « verre » for drinking, there could be confusion about the destination of the « ver ». One might wonder whether it is heading towards a « verre » or another « ver ». However, if I wanted to clarify this, I would say: « un ver vert va vers un autre ver vert », rather than the initial formulation. Thus, I deduce that in this context, it indeed refers to a « verre » to drink.
There are two reasons why I decided to write this article:
First, because it amuses me.
Second, because it is a way to show that in French, it is essential to put words in the correct order. As in this example, a disorder in the sentence would make its interpretation difficult.
After reading this article, you are now capable of explaining in detail each element of this sentence and the reasons that make it perfectly understandable.